
类型:纪录  英国  2018 

主演:Dr Giles Yeo 

导演:Steve Crabtree 




《维生素片:神奇还是神话?》高清完整版电影在线观看地址分享给大家,《维生素片:神奇还是神话?》是一部纪录片,由“Steve Crabtree”导演执导,演员“Dr Giles Yeo”等共同演绎。
The vitamin industry is worth more than £400million a year in the UK alone, but what are these pills actually doing for people's health? Dr Giles Yeo aims to find out, exploring if vitamin and mineral supplements are what they appear to be and putting people's diets to the test to find out if they really need these supplements. Those he meets include a scientist in Copenhagen, ...


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